Brendan's Blog

One Man. One Dream. One Ball.

Author: Brendan E. Mahon (page 1 of 2)

1 Year

It’s been one year since I was diagnosed with cancer and I’m glad to say I’m still in the clear!  As I’ve said before, I will continue to monitor my situation through blood tumor markers and CT scans, but at the moment it continues to appear that I’m cancer free.

It’s a bit of an odd milestone, one year since being diagnosed, but I’m definitely glad to be at the point I am.  One year ago we would have been relieved to know I am where I am now.  I look forward to saying I continue to be cancer free one year from now!

1st Clean CT Scan

I had my first follow up CT scan a few weeks ago.  It didn’t show any evidence of cancer.

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My hair has started to grow back!  It’s still pretty thin on the sides, but I’m definitely no longer bald.  It seems to be the same color as it was before, So far it looks to be straighter than it was, but that may be wishful thinking.  It’s probably just still too short to tell.

I was supposed to have a follow-up CT scan in August, but the insurance company rejected that.  My oncologist was comfortable with a CT scan in September, so I’ll probably have one in the next couple weeks.  The expectation is, of course, that I’m cancer free and nothing will show up on the CT scan.

I’ll plan on posting a few more pictures over the next few weeks to show if my hair is coming back straight or curly.  Hoping for straight!

Malignant Carci-No-Mas

My oncologist believes my cancer to be in remission.  I’m back to routine CT scans with the expectation that I will not recur.

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Final Round

My oncologist consulted with several leaders in testicular cancer on my case and has decided that my tumor markers and CT scan results are sufficient to stick with the original plan of 3 rounds of BEP, making this my final round!

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CT Scan Results and Delay of 3rd Round

I received good news and bad news this week.  My CT scan results shows the abdominal lymph nodes have significantly reduced in size, but my immune system was far too weak to start my 3rd round on schedule.

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Treatment Modification (Again)

My treatment plan has switched back to three rounds of BEP.  While my immune system may interfere with the timing of the rounds, this likely gives me the best survival rates.

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Round 2

Unfortunately a weakened immune system delayed the start of Round 2 and has led to a change in my treatment plan

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Round 1

I debuted a new hairstyle around the house…to mixed reviews.

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Last week’s CT scan has shown that the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes and I’ll need three rounds of chemotherapy.

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